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project "The Factory" 2011 

project "The Factory" installation Artiaco Gallery 2011 -partial view-(one man show)

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project"The Factory" installation Artiaco Gallery 2011 -partial view-(one man show)

from the cycle "The Factory" 2011 acrylic on blueprint cm169x120

from the cycle "The Factory" 2011 acrylic on blueprint cm163x235

from the cycle "The Factory"2010 acrylic on blueprint cm86x126.5

Abstract project "The Factory"

Nel progetto “The Factory”, proposto nel Project Space della Galleria Alfonso Artiaco  nel  gennaio  del 2010, l’attenzione ricade sulla difficoltà che attraversa il mondo del lavoro


La videoinstallazione è una riflessione sulle trasformazioni e le drastiche  riconversioni  che,  in  questo momento di  crisi  economica, l’industria  subisce  e  la  loro  ricaduta  sulla  vita  delle  persone  che  vi lavorano.

'Mi sono sempre interessato alla realtà che “frequento” e di conseguenza del mio territorio.  Nella   zona dei  Campi  Flegrei, dove  sorgevano  diverse  fabbriche, è  in  atto  una  riconversione  che  cancellerà inevitabilmente,  oltre  ai  manufatti,  anche  i  ricordi  di  un mondo ,  quello  della  fabbrica,  che   ha contribuito non poco alla  crescita sociale  e  civile  del  nostro  paese.  Mi  è  parso  opportuno filmare, fotografare  e  realizzare  con   i colori  acrilici,   su  alcune  cianografie  trovate  abbandonate  (durante ripetute visite), il senso della mia esperienza. I luoghi, dove intere esistenze si sono compiute, sono in  fretta  ricoperti  dal  colore  del  tempo.  Soltanto  qualche  traccia  tra  i macchinari arrugginiti rivela ancora  la  vita  trascorsa:  segni  di  gesso  su   lamiere,  fogli  affissi  sul  muro,   utensili  poggiati  sulle attrezzature...” 

Il video “The Factory” è accompagnato da “EpitaffioN.1” di Luigi Nono, con  voce  narrante  la  poesia  di Garcia Lorca "La Casida De La Rosa". L’ambientazione è una fabbrica dismessa ed è girato da un’auto in movimento. Le opere su  carte  cianografiche  di  progetti  tecnici  trovati  in  uffici  abbandonati,  che affiancano  la  videoinstallazione,  sono  realizzate  con  colori  acrilici  e  ripropongono  le  immagini  di macchinari e semplici utensili che fanno ormai parte di un mondo e di un tempo altro.


Lello Lopez based his  research  on  reality,  lived  on  a  compound  of  meetings  with  people.  This   establishes relationships  that  have  direct   experience  of   a   concrete   world.  This  interaction  occurs  through  the  video installation, half-truths chosen so that the experience is repeated.

In the project "The  Factory", the focus falls on the difficulties that beset the world  of  work. The video installation
is a reflection on the drastic transformations  and  conversions that,  in this  time  of economic crisis,  the  industry suffers and their effect on the lives of people who work there.

"I have always been interested in the fact that " frequent " and as a result of  my  territory.  In  the Campi Flegrea  area where there were several factories is implementing  a restructuring that  will erase  inevitably, in  addition to  artifacts, even the memories of a "world", the factory,  which has greatly contributed to the social and civil life of  our  country.  I think appropriate to make film, photograph and create,  with  acrylic  colors,  on  some  blueprints  found abandoned (during my repeated visits), the sense of my own experience.  The places where entire lives have  been  accomplished are quickly covered by the color of time. Only a few traces of the rusted  machinery still  reveals the past  ife: signs  of plaster plates, sheets hung on the wall, resting on the tooling equipment…" 

The video "The Factory" is accompanied by music:  “Epitaffio  N1” o f  Luigi Nono,  about   <La Casida De La Rosa>, the poetry of Garcia Lorca, the setting is an abandoned factory and is shot from a moving car. The card  works on technical blueprints for projects found in abandoned offices, which support  the video installation, are made  with acrylic paint and reproduce the images of simple machines and tools  that  are now  part of a  world and  another time.


 "The Factory" videoinstallation (one man show Artiaco Gallery 2011)

video "The Factory" 2010 th 7'39''

project  "Acquisire Verità" 2012

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

from the cycle "Learn truth" 2012 copy paper and collage on photo-CM30x40

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